Tekst piosenki: The Sound The 1975

The 1975 - The Sound

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Tekst piosenki The Sound

(Well I know when you're around
Cause I know the sound
I know the sound of your heart
Well I know when you're around
Cause I know the sound
I know the sound of your heart)

Well I know when you're around
Cause I know the sound
I know the sound of your heart
Well I know when you're around
Cause I know the sound
I know the sound of your heart

I can't believe I forgot your name

Oh, baby, won't you cum again?
She said "I've got a problem with your shoes and your tunes but I might move in"
And "I thought that you were straight, now I?m wondering"

You're so conceited
I said "I love you"
What does it matter if I lie to you?
I don't regret it but I'm glad that we're through
So don't you tell me that you 'just don't get it' - cos I know you do

Well, I know when you're around
Cause I know the sound
I know the sound of your heart
Well I know when you're around
Cause I know the sound
I know the sound of your heart

It's not about reciprocation, it's just all about me
Sycophantic, prophetic, Socratic junkie wannabe
There's so much skin to see
It's simple Epicurean Philosophy
And you say (you say) I'm such a cliché
I can't see the difference in it either way
And we left things to protect my mental health
But you'll call me when you're bored and you're playing with yourself

You're so conceited
I said "I love you"
What does it matter if I lie to you?
I don't regret it but I'm glad that we're through
"So don't you tell me that you 'just don't get it' - cos I know you do

Well, I know when you're around
Cause I know the sound
I know the sound of your heart
Well, I know when you're around
Cause I know the sound
I know the sound of your heart

Well, I know when you're around
Cause I know the sound
I know the sound of your heart
Well, I know when you're around
Cause I know the sound
I know the sound of your heart

Well, I know when you're around
Cause I know the sound
I know the sound of your heart
Well, I know when you're around
Cause I know the sound
I know the sound of your heart

Well, I know when you're around
Cause I know the sound
I know the sound of your heart
Well, I know when you're around
Cause I know the sound
I know the sound of your heart

The 1975 - The Sound tekst piosenki

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The Sound

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