Tekst piosenki Say Goodbye To Mum & Dad
[Verse 1]Say goodbye to Mum and Dad
Say hello to all the ghosts of Leningrad
Everything is up for grabs
Go tell all your friends society's gone mad
God is wise and Jesus loves us all
It's no life, this island of fear
When tomorrow comes
We'll brave the wild frontier
Get out this place
Inside, outside, nowhere to hide
When tomorrow comes
We'll face the great divide
[Verse 2]
Say goodbye to Mum and Dad (Say goodbye to what we had)
It's a dusty road of faded photographs
Wipe that welcome from the mat (Walk the dog and feed the cat)
Things are broken and they're never coming back
God is wise and Jesus loves us all
It's no life, this island of fear
When tomorrow comes
We'll brave the wild frontier
Get out this place
Inside, outside, nowhere to hide
When tomorrow comes
We'll face the great divide
Tears For Fears - Say Goodbye To Mum & Dad Tekst piosenki
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Album: Songs for a Nervous Planet (2024)
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Say Goodbye To Mum & Dad
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