Tekst piosenki Genocidal Humanoidz
Can you see us?
Beating the devil
We never run from the devil
We never summoned the devil
We never hide from the devil
Beating the devil
We never run from the devil
We never summoned the devil
We never hide from the devil
We never
Terrorists we're fighting and we're never gonna stop
The prostitutes who prosecute have failed us from the start
You, me, us, them
Beating the devil
We never run from the devil
We never summoned the devil
We never hide from the devil
We never
Terrorists we're fighting and we're never gonna stop
The prostitutes who prosecute have failed us from the start
Can you see us?
Beating the devil
We never run from the devil
We never summoned the devil
We never hide from the devil
Persecution ends now
Guess who’s coming over to dinner
The genocidal humanoids
Teaching warfare to their children
The bastards that will be destroyed
Guess who’s coming over to dinner
The genocidal humanoids
Beating the devil
We never run from the devil
We never summoned the devil
We never hide from the devil
Beating the devil
We never run from the devil
We never summoned the devil
We never hide from the devil
We never
Terrorists we're fighting and we're never gonna stop
The prostitutes who prosecute have failed us from the start
Can you see us?
Beating the devil
We never run from the devil
We never summoned the devil
We never hide from the devil
Persecution ends
Beating the devil
We never run from the devil
We never summoned the devil
We never hide from the devil
Beating the devil
We never run from the devil
We never summoned the devil
We never hide from the devil
System of a Down - Genocidal Humanoidz Tekst piosenki
System of a Down - Genocidal Humanoidz tekstowo System of a Down - Genocidal Humanoidz Text Genocidal Humanoidz System of a Down Genocidal Humanoidz słowaTeledysk do piosenki
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System of a Down
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Genocidal Humanoidz
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