Tekst piosenki: Clean Eyes SYML

SYML - Clean Eyes

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Tekst piosenki Clean Eyes

Picture yourself in a room full of broken glass
Blood on the pieces, the pieces you can?t put back
A little white light in a sea gone black
My head is the room and the room?s full of broken glass

You can?t change me, can you save me?

Oh clean eyes
Breaking my heart in all the right ways and
No I don?t mind, clean eyes
Oh clean eyes
Breaking my heart and breaking my chains and
I don?t know why, clean eyes

I?m a cynic, I told you, I fear what I don?t believe

I don?t know what this is, but this is a different beast
I check the lock on the door three times
Can?t put my faith in what I can?t describe
I?m a cynic, I told you, I don?t believe

Can you save me?

Oh clean eyes
Breaking my heart in all the right ways and
No I don?t mind, clean eyes
Oh clean eyes
Breaking my heart and breaking my chains and
I don?t know why, clean eyes

Take me home when I lost myself
Love me better than I love myself
When my head is the room and the room?s full of broken glass
(Take me home when I lost myself)
When my head is the room and the room?s full of broken glass
Blood on the pieces the pieces I can?t put back

Oh clean eyes
You're breaking my heart in all the right ways and
No I don?t mind, clean eyes (clean eyes, yeah)
Oh clean eyes
Breaking my heart and breaking my chains and
I don?t know why, clean eyes
(Take me home when I lost myself)

Oh clean eyes
Breaking my heart in all the right ways and
No I don?t mind, clean eyes
(Take me home when I lost myself)
Oh clean eyes
Breaking my heart and breaking my chains and
I don?t know why, clean eyes

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Clean Eyes

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Clean Eyes

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