Tekst piosenki: Waste Of Time Smith & Thell

Smith & Thell - Waste Of Time

Tekst piosenki Waste Of Time

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Excuse me, love, as I come undone
I'm filled with fire, I'm a loaded gun
Still want you back and I cannot lie
Trying to forget you was a waste of time

I don't know when I lost my way
But losing you was my first mistake
And I can run but I cannot hide
Trying to forget you was a waste of time

So tell me now, are you up tonight?
You're the only one that can make it right
I've got our memories burnt into my mind
Trying to forget you was a waste of time

Waste of time, waste of time
Waste of time, waste of time
Waste of time, waste of time
Trying to forget you was a waste of time

Hey, I've been mistaken
Buying my own lies
Thought I could make it through without you here, my love

But love isn't patient, neither am I
Trying to forget you was a waste of time

So tell me now, are you up tonight?
You're the only one that can make it right
I've got our memories burnt into my mind
Trying to forget you was a waste of time

Waste of time, waste of time
Waste of time, waste of time
Waste of time, waste of time
Trying to forget you was a waste of time

Trying to forget you was a waste of time
Trying to forget you was a waste of time
Trying to forget you was a waste of time
Trying to forget you was a waste of time

Thell & Smith - Waste Of Time tekst piosenki

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Waste Of Time

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Waste Of Time

*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki Waste Of Time
takie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć

Kadr z teledysku Waste Of Time tekst piosenki Smith & Thell
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