Tekst piosenki Running Tram (Presumably)
[Verse 1]To Mary Ann
And Steely Dan
I think I hear the running tram
Go back in time
Not out of time
I think I like a little lemon and lime (She liked it)
To Mary Ann
And Steely Dan
I hate the sound of that running tram
[Chorus] (UPDATED 9-7-24)
Running Tram
Running Tram
[Verse 2]
Taking the buses of the tram of the tram
And the bus, and the bus is running the tram
you didn't soul the solider
you did not steal the sand
I think you know where this guitar is going on back in time
Back in time
Running Tram
Running Tram
Running Tram
Oh yeah
Smartschoolboy9 - Running Tram (Presumably) Tekst piosenki
Running Tram (Presumably) Smartschoolboy9 - Running Tram (Presumably) tekstowo Running Tram (Presumably) o czym jest piosenka Running Tram (Presumably) Smartschoolboy9 - Running Tram (Presumably) Tekst Running Tram (Presumably) Smartschoolboy9 Running Tram (Presumably) słowa Smartschoolboy9 - Running Tram (Presumably) TextTeledysk do piosenki
Running Tram (Presumably)
Running Tram (Presumably) Ulubioną piosenką?
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Running Tram (Presumably)
*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki Running Tram (Presumably)takie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
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