Tekst piosenki: Unpopular Skillet

Skillet - Unpopular

Tekst piosenki Unpopular

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Am I the only one who ain't come undone?
Everybody's lost their dang minds
When you check your feed, it's like clown TV
And you're waitin' for the punchline

Oh, my my, hey, yeah
Guess I'm a loner in the crowd
Oh, my my, hey, yeah
Guess I'm the one you've been talkin' about
Guess I'm the one you've been talkin' about

Unpopular, unpopular
Call me out, clasp down, can't separate truth, yeah
Have you heard? I'm a commoner
Got my family, sanity, everything I need

If freedom is disease...
Who would ever want to be...
Popular? For what it's worth
I think today's a good day to be unpopular

I won't apologize when I speak my mind
I'm just bein' me, so lay off
If they can fool myself, it's called raisin' Hell
I guess that I'm an outlaw, woo

Oh, my my, hey, yeah
I ain't a loner in the crowd
Oh, my my, hey, yeah
Guess we about to be gettin' loud
Guess we about to be gettin' loud

Unpopular, unpopular
Call me out, clasp down, can't separate truth, yeah
Have you heard? I'm a commoner
Got my family, sanity, everything I need
If freedom is disease...
Who would ever want to be...
Popular? For what it's worth
I think today's a good day to be unpopular

Guess I'm the one you've been talkin' 'bout (Talkin' 'bout)
Guess I'm the one you've been talkin' 'bout (Talkin' 'bout)
Guess I'm the one you've been talkin' 'bout (Talkin' 'bout)
I guess I am the one, whatever

Unpopular, unpopular
Call me out, clasp down, can't separate truth, yeah
Have you heard? I'm a commoner
Got my family, sanity, everything I need
If freedom is disease...
Who would ever want to be...
Popular? For what it's worth
I think today's a good day to be unpopular

To be unpopular

Skillet - Unpopular tekst piosenki

Unpopular Skillet - Unpopular tekstowo Unpopular o czym jest piosenka Unpopular Skillet - Unpopular Tekst Unpopular Skillet Unpopular słowa

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Kadr z teledysku Unpopular tekst piosenki Skillet


piosenki Unpopular - Skillet poznasz i zrozumiesz dzięki tłumaczeniu Unpopular a jak zobaczysz teledysk Unpopular słowa innych śpiewanych utworów Skillet teksty przeczytać albo i wydrukować zapragniesz i fajnie.Znajdziesz odpowiedzi na pytania: Kiedy premiera piosenki Unpopular - Skillet? Z jakiego albumu pochodzi piosenka Unpopular? Kto wyprodukował Unpopular? Kto napisał tekst piosenki Unpopular Skillet? ale na pytanie Kiedy niedziela handlowa we wrześniu to już raczej nie, za to teksty piosenek o wrześniu już jak najbardziej.