Tekst piosenki Soaked
I know I've been leavin' y'all hangin' dry, butIt's time to switch it up
I wanna get soaked
Real soaked
There's somethin' 'bout me that drives you crazy
I know it's the way I move my body, but
I don't think you truly know me
There's so much more, I'm just gettin' started, I'm
Hypnotic with my moves
Baby, don't you know what ya girl can do?
I thought I couldn't get any hotter
But the heat goes through me like no other
I don't really care what they think of me
I just came here to get nasty (Baby with you)
You tryna get me alone
I'm gonna get you goin' on my pheromones
I can move it like that
I want you all over me
I need to get some air
'Cause, baby, you get me so
So soaked
This heat is gettin' to me
I want you all over me
Baby, you get me so
So soaked
So hot, I'm 'bout to explode
Our bodies movin' for sure
You get me hot, I'm soaked
Oh, baby
No one cares about a hot flash
Get down on the floor
You know I'm gonna shake my ass, ah
My body's drenched in sweat, but
My clothes ain't comin' off yet
(B-baby it's wet, come on and sweat)
I just like movin' my stuff, babe
Wanna do it right?
Get wet all night?
Let's get to movin'
Just how I like
(I like that)
I can move it like that
I want you all over me
I need to get some air
'Cause, baby, you get me so
So soaked
This heat is gettin' to me
I want you all over me
Baby, you get me so
So soaked
So hot, I'm 'bout to explode
Our bodies movin' for sure
You get me hot, I'm soaked
(So, so, so soaked)
(So, so, so soaked)
(Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah)
So, so, so soaked
So, so, so soaked
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
(So soaked)
So soaked
This heat is gettin' to me
I want you all over me
Baby, you get me so
So soaked
So hot, I'm 'bout to explode
Our bodies movin' for sure
You get me hot, I'm soaked
(So, so, so soaked)
(So, so, so soaked)
(Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah)
Baby, you get me so
(So, so, so soaked)
(So, so, so soaked)
(Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah)
You get me hot, I'm so
Shy Smith - Soaked Tekst piosenki
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