Scotch Mist - Fall In Love
Tekst piosenki Fall In Love
Take my heart and keep it safe
I only want to hear you say
That life is only long enough
So I think we should Fall In Love
I can′t get out of bed you know
I really want to stay
Something in the way that she can make it all okay
Take my heart and keep it safe
I only want to hear you say
That life is only long enough
So I think we should Fall In Love
Take my heart and keep it safe
I only want to hear you say
That life is only long enough
So I think we should Fall In Love
Take my heart and keep it safe
I only want to hear you say (hear you say)
That life is only long enough
So I think we should Fall In Love
Scotch Mist - Fall In Love tekst piosenki
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