Scorpions - When Tomorrow Comes
Tekst piosenki When Tomorrow Comes
Good morning worldHow do you feel?
You look so tired
Sometimes I think you're gonna stop turning 'round
Who's to blame but us
When half the planet caught on fire
And one more spark seems enough
To burn it down
Good morning world
How do you feel?
You look so sad
The clock is ticking
And precious time will fade away
Oh, the cyber war
A dirty ocean, the climate change
When tomorrow comes we'll pay the price
For today
See the writing on the wall
(The future calls)
Can I trust fate anymore?
(The world is yours)
Young is old and old is young
(You are the ones)
Call me when tomorrow comes
(When tomorrow comes, whеn tomorrow comes)
Good morning world
How do you feel?
You look so angry
Sometimes I think
You'rе gonna stop turning 'round
Who's to blame but us?
When half the planet's shut down
When the number of the dead
Still explodes
See the writing on the wall
(The future calls)
Can I trust fate anymore?
(The world is yours)
Young is old and old is young
(You are the ones)
Call me when tomorrow comes
(When tomorrow comes)
When tomorrow comes
When tomorrow comes
When tomorrow comes
When tomorrow comes
Scorpions - When Tomorrow Comes tekst piosenki
Scorpions - When Tomorrow Comes tekstowo When Tomorrow Comes Scorpions When Tomorrow Comes słowaAlbum: Rock Believer (2022)
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When Tomorrow Comes
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When Tomorrow Comes
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