Tekst piosenki: When I Lay My Bones to Rest Scorpions

Scorpions - When I Lay My Bones to Rest

Tekst piosenki When I Lay My Bones to Rest

Here comes a brother from another mother
Storming out into the light
We're speeding up the pace, cutting to the chase
It's gonna be a hell of a ride

Hey, let's rock it, hey, let's rock it, hey
Friends will be friends
Hey, let's rock it, hey, let's rock it, hey
You gotta raise your hands
Let me see your hands

Here comes a brother from another mother
Ready for the Scorpions dance
We'rе rocking out for days, no limit anyways
You cannot stop a Mercedes Bеnz

Hey, let's rock it, hey, let's rock it, hey
Friends will be friends
Hey, let's rock it, hey, let's rock it, hey
Here comes the gang
Watch out for the gang

Rising to the top
I'm giving it all I've got
Someday, I'm up there with the best
When I lay my bones to rest
When I lay my bones to rest
When I lay my bones, lay my bones
Lay my bones to rest

Here comes a brother from another mother
The bad boys are running wild
Around the world again, catch me if you can
We gotta keep the spirit alive

Hey, let's rock it, hey, let's rock it, hey
Friends will be friends
Hey, let's rock it, hey, let's rock it, hey
You gotta raise your hands
I wanna see your hands

Rising to the top
I'm giving it all I've got
Someday, I'm up there with the best
When I lay my bones to rest
When I lay my bones to rest
When I lay my bones, lay my bones
Lay my bones to rest

Rising to the top
I'm giving it all I've got
Someday, I'm up there with the best
When I lay my bones to rest
When I lay my bones to rest
When I lay my bones, lay my bones
Lay my bones to rest

Scorpions - When I Lay My Bones to Rest tekst piosenki

Scorpions - When I Lay My Bones to Rest tekstowo When I Lay My Bones to Rest Scorpions When I Lay My Bones to Rest słowa

Teledysk do piosenki
When I Lay My Bones to Rest

albo inne teksty piosenek o tytule podobnym do
When I Lay My Bones to Rest

*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki When I Lay My Bones to Rest
takie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć

Kadr z teledysku When I Lay My Bones to Rest tekst piosenki Scorpions
Źródło: tekstowo.pl



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