Tekst piosenki: Mountain Sam Ryder

Tekst piosenki Mountain

[Verse 1]
Rough seas might pull me under and
Dark clouds might dim my days
But there's always bright tomorrows when
I close my eyes and say
"Remember how you've made it through the fire
Remember how you've come so far
An unstoppable force of nature
Yeah, that's what you are"

I know all that I have lost
Has given me the purpose of
Conquering my pain through love
I sing this hymn to rise above

I am a mountain
And down in the valley below
Is all that I've overcome
All that I've overcome, woah
I am a mountain
And down in the valley below
Is all that I've overcome
All that I've oh-oh-overcome

'Ome, oh-oh-overcome
I'm a fighter, it's like I was born to be one

[Verse 2]
Whatever life may throw, I'll pass the test
Whatever fate might dream upon me next
I'll stand with my head to the sky
Not shaken by thunder and winds and the tide

I know all that I have lost
Has given me the purpose of
Conquering my pain through love
I sing this hymn to rise above

I am a mountain (Ah, yeah)
And down in the valley below
Is all that I've overcome
All that I've overcome, woah
I am a mountain (I am a mountain)
And down in the valley below
Is all that I've overcome
All that I've oh-oh-overcome

'Ome (Alright), oh-oh-overcome

I am a mountain (Hey!)
And down in the valley below
Is all that I've overcome
All that I've overcome, woah
I am a mountain
And down in the valley below
Is all that I've overcome
All that I've oh-oh-overcome
(All that I’ve, all that I’ve, all that I’ve overcome)

'Ome (Ey-ey), oh-oh-overcome (It's time that I overcome)
'Ome, oh-oh-overcome (It's time that I overcome)
'Ome, oh-oh-overcome
I am a fighter, it's like I was born to be one

Sam Ryder - Mountain Tekst piosenki

Sam Ryder - Mountain tekstowo Sam Ryder - Mountain Text Mountain Sam Ryder Mountain słowa

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