Rum Jungle - Move Over Here
Tekst piosenki Move Over Here
Chuck us up on a poster
I'm feeling the drip and it's spilling on me
From head to toe
There's nobody home but the lights are on
So please come closer
Detrimentally falling in deep I keep my eyes
Right on ya
Kissing the beat and I can't find my feet
Was hoping to me somebody like me
So please come over
Weak at the knees rumble and steeze
Ability hoping to please
Just wanna show ya
Move over here
You can drive yeah I'll steer
Move slow mo over here
You can drive yeah I'll steer
Place it up on the streets
There's no signs of feelings from me
Devolve, get old, I'm told no more
Step from the speaker
I need ya
The keeper
The melody with the beat
A minimilistic style
She's bringing it back with her demeanor
And if it's on it's on
I can feel the night is getting gone
If it's not then we can send it off
I can see it in my head and all
Move over here
You can drive yeah I'll steer
Move slow mo over here
You can drive yeah I'll steer
I took a chance and I flew
Rum Jungle - Move Over Here tekst piosenki
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Move Over Here
*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki Move Over Heretakie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
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