Rum Jungle - Did The Morning Let You Down
Tekst piosenki Did The Morning Let You Down
We don't mind it
Autumn rain
Lost in a riot
Soaking in the flames
Said to my lady
What's your name?
Was it wrong
To say?
All I've been looking for is you, right?
The only thing that shows up yeah
In my minds eye
Did the morning let you down?
When the sun came up and cried out
Can you stomach this soul of ours
Give you all you wanted right now
Why stand and feel alone
When the worlds still raging on
Wasn't set to face to morning high
Could you help me along
Till then?
Cos all I've been looking for is you
All I been looking for
The only thing that shows up yeah
In my minds eye
Did the morning let you down?
When the sun came up and cried out
Can you stomach this soul of ours
Give you all you wanted right now
Roll the tape
Did you lose your keys
What's the play
Is it what you need
Rest your souls in the pleasant sun
Press me into your folded love
Roll the tape
When you lose your keys
What's the play
I know what you need
Rest our souls in the pleasant sun
Lock me into your loaded love
Rum Jungle - Did The Morning Let You Down tekst piosenki
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Did The Morning Let You Down
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