Tekst piosenki SACRIFICE
[Verse 1]They give you a throne
They give you a town
They build you an army
To fight for the crown
I know that you think this is what you want
But a part of you rots and a part of you’s gone
[Pre-Chorus 1]
So go on, darlin’, save yourself
'Cause I’m scared I’m going to hell
I let my fire feed the beast of desire
It burns me up and that’s a pain I will remember
(For the rest of my days)
Control takes a piece of my soul
It holds me under 'til I go insane
But that’s the sacrifice I’ve made
[Verse 2]
So give me ledge, give me a grave
I’d rathеr be dead than to give up this namе
I’ve seen the monsters, I carry the weight
And you couldn’t handle the price that I paid
[Pre-Chorus 2]
So go on keep your sanity
Lord knows there’s no saving me
I let my fire feed the beast of desire
It burns me up and that’s a pain I will remember
(For the rest of my days)
Control takes a piece of my soul
It holds me under 'til I go insane
But that’s the sacrifice I’ve made
All the chemicals and the fucking trolls
Think there’s something twisted up the blood something medical
Another pretty face kiss kiss just a centerfold
Looking like a god when you put me on a pedestal
[Outro Chorus]
I let my fire feed the beast of desire
It burns me up and that’s a pain I will remember
Control takes a piece of my soul
It holds me under 'til I go insane
But that’s the sacrifice I’ve made
Royale Lynn - SACRIFICE Tekst piosenki
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