Tekst piosenki: Half Of My Heart Roxie (Roksana Węgiel)

Roxie (Roksana Węgiel) - Half Of My Heart

Tekst piosenki Half Of My Heart

I forgot to lock the doors before I saw somebody like you
So now I'm falling back
Every boy reminds me of you
It's not about the compliments
You're putting my way lately
It's not about the compliments
You're giving me, giving me, giving me
I've never really met
Never really met somebody like you
Is it just the way you talk
Or am I cursed with what I choose
It's not about the compliments
You're putting my way lately
It's not about the compliments
You're giving me, giving me, giving me

It's something in the way you're moving
That knocks me off my feet
I blame myself
Cause there's somebody else I'm feeling
Half of my heart
Half of my heart, baby
It's something that you're doing baby
That gets me off my feet
I blame myself
Cause there's somebody else I'm feeling
Half of my heart
Half of my heart, baby

Half of my heart
Half of my heart, baby
Half of my heart
Half of my heart, baby
Half of my heart
Half of my heart, baby
Half of my heart

Will you come around
Will you be someone I could talk to
Now I'm losing ground
Feeling like I'm lost and on the loose
It's not about the compliments
You're putting my way lately
It's not about the compliments
You're giving me, giving me, giving me, baby

It's something in the way you're moving
That knocks me off my feet
I blame myself
Cause there's somebody else I'm feeling
Half of my heart
Half of my heart, baby
It's something that you're doing baby
That gets me off my feet
I blame myself
Cause there's somebody else I’m feeling
Half of my heart
Half of my heart, baby

Half of my heart
Half of my heart, baby
Half of my heart
Half of my heart, baby
Half of my heart
Half of my heart, baby
Half of my heart

Can I be one of these that you don't lie to
Can I be one of these that you give roses to
Or am I too small to be around you
Pick up the pieces of my heart

Can I be one of these that you don't lie to
Can I be one of these that you give roses to
Or am I too small to be around you
Pick up the pieces of my heart

Half of my heart
Half of my heart, baby
Half of my heart
Half of my heart, baby
Half of my heart
Half of my heart, baby
Half of my heart

Half of my heart
Half of my heart, baby
Half of my heart
Half of my heart, baby
Half of my heart
Half of my heart, baby
Half of my heart

Roxie (Roksana Węgiel) - Half Of My Heart tekst piosenki

Roxie - Half Of My Heart tekstowo Roxie (Roksana Węgiel) - Half Of My Heart słowa

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Half Of My Heart

Kadr z teledysku Half Of My Heart tekst piosenki Roxie (Roksana Węgiel)
Źródło: tekstowo.pl




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