Tekst piosenki: Disconnect Rollins Band

Tekst piosenki Disconnect

Don't like to think too much, it makes me think too much
It keeps my mind on my mind
Don't wanna see too much, it makes me see to much
Sometimes I'd rather be blind

All the things that they're saying and doing
When they pass me by it just fills me up with noise
It overloads me
I wanna disconnect myself
Pull my brain stem out and unplug myself
I want nothing right now, I want to pull it out

Yeah, I want to pull it out, yeah
I wanna break it all down, hey, I wanna pull it out
Yeah, yeah, disconnect myself, disconnect myself
I wanna see it go down, yeah, disconnect myself

A thousand miles an hour going nowhere fast
Clinging to the details of your past
Talking 'bout your damage and you're wasting my time

Wanna be the king of pain? Stand in line
All the numbers and the colors and the facts
Backed by the rumors and the figures and the stats
I think I'm gonna download my mind

I want to pull it out, yeah
I wanna break it all down
Hey, I wanna break it on down
Yeah, disconnect myself
I want to pull it out, yeah
I want to pull it out, hey
Disconnect myself, disconnect myself

I wanna disconnect myself, do it
I wanna disconnect myself, get it
I wanna pull my brain stem out, do it
I wanna disconnect myself right now

Too damn bad if at the end of the day the only thoughts
In your brain are all the things that they say, what a waste
Too damn bad if at the end of the line you got no idea of
What's on your own mind
You got no one to blame but yourself
Too much to know, too much to see
If I mean something to you but it's nothing to me
It's just another ad for someone's version of how they think you should be

I wanna disconnect myself, pull my brains damn out, and unplug myself
I want nothing right now, I want to pull it out

Rollins Band - Disconnect Tekst piosenki

Disconnect w wykonaniu Rollins Band - Disconnect tekstowo Rollins Band - Disconnect o czym jest piosenka Disconnect Rollins Band Disconnect słowa Rollins Band - Disconnect Text
Rollins Band Disconnect Letra de Disconnect com Rollins Band Rollins Band - Disconnect lyrics Rollins Band - Disconnect Tekst
Album: Weight (1994)

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Kadr z teledysku Disconnect tekst piosenki Rollins Band


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