Tekst piosenki: Live That Way Forever Richard Reed Parry, Little Scream & The Barr Brothers

Richard Reed Parry, Little Scream & The Barr Brothers - Live That Way Forever

Tekst piosenki Live That Way Forever

I got a fever these days
Revved up like a riot at the end of a game
Come on, open the gates
I'm hangin' onto this feelin' 'til they drag me away

I wanna live that way forever
I wanna live that way forever
I wanna live that way forever
I wanna live that way forever

I fell asleep at the wheel
I ran myself off the road and woke up in a field
It's gettin' harder to stay, but I've got a
Vice grip on my future, and I'm tougher than pain

Hold your head up high
Not ready to run, mama, now, don't you cry
Gonna light up the sky
Roman candle just waitin' for the Fourth of July

I wanna live that way forever
I wanna live that way forever
I wanna live that way forever
I wanna live that way forever

Want you to know my name
I want you to think of my face when you're under
Don't wanna be replaced
But you wait up for another day

I feel it slippin'
Oh, I feel it slippin'
Oh, don't say it's slippin'
Oh, don't say it's slippin' away

(I wanna live that way) forever
(I wanna live that way) I wanna live that way

I wanna live that way
I wanna live that way forever
I wanna live that way
I wanna live that way forever

I wanna live that way forever
I wanna live that way forever
I wanna live that way forever
I wanna live that way forever

I wanna live that way forever
I wanna live that way forever
I wanna live that way forever
I wanna live that way forever

The Barr Brothers & Richard Reed Parry, Little Scream - Live That Way Forever tekst piosenki

Live That Way Forever Richard Reed Parry, Little Scream & The Barr Brothers - Live That Way Forever tekstowo Live That Way Forever o czym jest piosenka Live That Way Forever Richard Reed Parry, Little Scream & The Barr Brothers - Live That Way Forever Tekst Live That Way Forever Richard Reed Parry, Little Scream & The Barr Brothers Live That Way Forever słowa

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Live That Way Forever

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Richard Reed Parry, Little Scream,The Barr Brothers

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Live That Way Forever

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Kadr z teledysku Live That Way Forever tekst piosenki Richard Reed Parry, Little Scream & The Barr Brothers
Źródło: tekstowo.pl



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