Tekst piosenki Ready For It All
Always on the outside looking inSearching for a reason why I′m all alone
I'm all alone
I′m on my own
But there's a fire that burns inside me
There's a hope that′s waiting just for me
No one else is gonna take it
Eh eh
If there′s a way
I know I'll find it
I′ll never give up
I'm gonna fight it
And if there′s a chance
I'm here take it
I′m ready for it all
When I feel the walls are closing in
Asking all the questions why I'm holding on
I'm holding on
I can′t move on
But there′s a hope that burns inside me
There's a light that′s shining just for me
No one else is gonna claim it
Eh eh
If there's a way
I know I′ll find it
I'll never give up
I′m gonna fight it
And if there's a chance
I'm here take it
I′m ready for it all
If there′s a time
It's now or never
I′ll get what is mine
Don't care the weather
And If I should fall
I′ll make it better
I'm ready for it all
Remady & Amanda Wilson - Ready For It All Tekst piosenki
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Ready For It All
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Ready For It All
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