Tekst piosenki Time & Place
You got a lotta nerve coming 'round this place
If you're a pretty boy, you've got to save face
And it's all wrong
Turn around
Let's get it on
You've got a lot of curves past your gate
Life in the future tense is so much weight
Space is the emptiness, nothingness, between two things
But the space in your heart, baby
Generates your pain
And it's all wrong
Turn around
Let's get it on
I realize you're like a bummed cigarette
Suicide in slow motion
You're such a drag, all that's left is a decent butt
Your promises are smoke I see you inhale
And it's all wrong
Turn around
Let's get it on
Turn around
Let's fucking get it on
Queens of the Stone Age - Time & Place Tekst piosenki
Queens of the Stone Age - Time & Place tekstowo Queens of the Stone Age - Time & Place Text Time & Place Queens of the Stone Age Time & Place słowaTeledysk do piosenki
Time & Place