Tekst piosenki: Hell of a Summer Poluzjanci

Tekst piosenki Hell of a Summer

Girl walks by
The lights go dim, the crowd goes high
The way she got it, that flow
I think they know and she knows

Wanna get closer to her
A strong emotion pulls me there
I try to focus and I trip
We locked eyes and that was it

Girl you’re so high - end
This music, your body, this night

Sun in your hair
It’s like I’m walking on air
I taste tequila on your breath

I’m half excited, half scared

Girl you’re so high end
This music, your body, this night

There’s no denying
This moment just feels so right
Something tells me you’re trouble
But trouble is what I want
It’s gonna be hell of a summer
You’re just that right kind of wrong

Tides and waves
You know you’re winning the first place
It is that rhythm of my life
I’m half excited half terrified

Poluzjanci - Hell of a Summer Tekst piosenki

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Hell of a Summer

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Hell of a Summer

*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki Hell of a Summer
takie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć

Kadr z teledysku Hell of a Summer tekst piosenki Poluzjanci


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