Tekst piosenki: We Uh Shoot Polo G & Lil Durk

Tekst piosenki We Uh Shoot

[Intro: Polo G]
Mm, mm, mm
Mm-mm, mm-mm

[Chorus: Polo G]
We got the guns, we'll shoot
No, I ain't worried 'bout what he'll do
Inside this Louis book bag, all you see is blue
I just stuck to the plan, had to see it through
And I ran up them bands, you could see the proof
Penthouse on the top floor, you should see the view
If I walk in the strip club, bunch of bad bitches
I might need me like three or two

[Bridge: Polo G]

I pop the pill, it's ready to drop, lil' bro wanna kill, he ready for opps
Aimin' with skills, spaghetti his top, how you a stepper? You steady gettin' shot
We sellin' rocks and blows, I got control, start trappin' and married the block
Before we was rockin' shows, was cockin' poles, in the cut with the heaviest Glock

[Verse 1: Lil Durk]
This shit No Auto, but I fuck with Polo, but I cannot charge him 'cause hе one of mine (Go)
I had a Drac' that shoot like onе of my switches, they comin' out two at a time (Man, what?)
They don't got homes for us, they knock on the door like Jehovah Witness, this not a surprise
Dead opps, got YouTube's funniest moments, I do like 'em better alive
Better believe, just don't believe the memes, they judgin' me off my eyes
Better believe, the feds gon' use them Clubhouse clips all in your trial
I know you a killer from back in the day, but you ain't catch one in a while
I'm so player, told 'em don't backdoor you whenever your family around
They'll FaceTime you just to verify, they be killin' niggas for that bag (Come here)
I say certain shit around certain niggas 'cause I know you gon' go back and say it (Come here)
I know you would tell on me, you would tell everything your daddy did to your mama
I know a real killer sip promethazine, live a few blocks from Obama (Frrt)
So you a bear? Just imagine what a ten millimeter'll do to a goat
You know I'm a street nigga 'cause one of my old managers was sellin' dope
And I learned from the robbers, bitch, it's summertime, why you got on a coat?
And he a cool nigga, I seen what happened to PnB, nigga, the GOAT, yeah

[Chorus: Polo G]
We got the guns, we'll shoot
No, I ain't worried 'bout what he'll do
Inside this Louis book bag, all you see is blue
I just stuck to the plan, had to see it through
And I ran up them bands, you could see the proof
Penthouse on the top floor, you should see the view
If I walk in the strip club, bunch of bad bitches
I might need me like three or two

[Verse 2: Polo G]
Gone off a Perc', how the murderers sleep at night, tell me turn up the streets, I might
My killer told me been steppin' on shit for so long that it startin' to increase my height
Creepin' down they block, you won't see no lights, Glock go bah, I need your life
Hop out and get 'em, we scream, "Go twice," lil' Chrome sippin' on lean, no ice, uh
Ran up them M&M's and I hang with nothin' but some millionaires and some murderers
Catch him, we killin' him, you just in the way, pussy nigga, we ain't never heard of ya
I might boot up off a pill when I'm turnin' up, bitch, you fuck with the opps, you ain't hurtin' us
Try to rob me, I'm catchin' a murder one, bullets hot like Usher, he burnin' up

[Chorus: Polo G]
We got the guns, we'll shoot
No, I ain't worried 'bout what he'll do
Inside this Louis book bag, all you see is blue
I just stuck to the plan, had to see it through
And I ran up them bands, you could see the proof
Penthouse on the top floor, you should see the view
If I walk in the strip club, bunch of bad bitches
I might need me like three or two

Polo G & Lil Durk - We Uh Shoot Tekst piosenki

We Uh Shoot Polo G & Lil Durk - We Uh Shoot tekstowo We Uh Shoot o czym jest piosenka We Uh Shoot Lil Durk & Polo G - We Uh Shoot Tekst We Uh Shoot Polo G & Lil Durk We Uh Shoot słowa Polo G & Lil Durk - We Uh Shoot Text

Album: HOOD POET (2024)

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We Uh Shoot

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We Uh Shoot

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Kadr z teledysku We Uh Shoot tekst piosenki Polo G & Lil Durk


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