Tekst piosenki: Games Without Frontiers PETER GABRIEL

Tekst piosenki Games Without Frontiers

"A one... two... one, two, four..."

[Refrain: Kate Bush]
Jeux sans frontières
Jeux sans frontières
Jeux sans frontières
Jeux sans frontières

[Verse 1: Peter Gabriel]
Hans plays with Lotte, Lotte plays with Jane
Jane plays with Willi, Willi is happy again
Suki plays with Leo, Sacha plays with Britt
Adolf builds a bonfire, Enrico plays with it

[Pre-Chorus: Peter Gabriel]

Whistling tunes, we hide in the dunes by the seaside
Whistling tunes, we're kissing baboons in the jungle
It's a knockout

[Chorus: Peter Gabriel]
If looks could kill, they probably will
In games without frontiers, war without tears
If looks could kill, they probably will
In games without frontiers, war without tears
Games without frontiers, war without tears

[Refrain: Kate Bush]
Jeux sans frontières
Jeux sans frontières
Jeux sans frontières

[Verse 2: Peter Gabriel]
Andre has a red flag, Chiang Ching's is blue
They all have hills to fly them on except for Lin Tai Yu
Dressing up in costumes, playing silly games
Hiding out in treetops, shouting out rude names

[Pre-Chorus: Peter Gabriel]
Whistling tunes, we hide in the dunes by the seaside
Whistling tunes, we piss on the goons in the jungle
It's a knockout

[Chorus: Peter Gabriel]
If looks could kill, they probably will
In games without frontiers, war without tears
If looks could kill, they probably will
In games without frontiers, war without tears
Games without frontiers, war without tears

[Refrain: Kate Bush]
Jeux sans frontières
Jeux sans frontières
Jeux sans frontières
Jeux sans frontières
Jeux sans frontières
Jeux sans frontières
Jeux sans frontières
Jeux sans frontières
Jeux sans frontières
Jeux sans frontières
Jeux sans...

PETER GABRIEL - Games Without Frontiers Tekst piosenki

Games Without Frontiers z repertuaru PETER GABRIEL - Games Without Frontiers tekstowo PETER GABRIEL - Games Without Frontiers o czym jest piosenka Games Without Frontiers PETER GABRIEL Games Without Frontiers słowa PETER GABRIEL - Games Without Frontiers Text
Album: Peter Gabriel (1980)
Games Without Frontiers słowa piosenki: Games Without Frontiers z repertuaru PETER GABRIEL

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Games Without Frontiers

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Games Without Frontiers

*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki Games Without Frontiers
takie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć

Kadr z teledysku Games Without Frontiers tekst piosenki PETER GABRIEL


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