Paweł Domagała - List do M. tłumaczenie tekstu

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Mother, I'm writing the poem to You,
Maybe the last one, but I'm sure it's the first
It is a deep, dark night
I'm sitting in my bed and she's sleeping by my side

And she is breathing so steadily
I'm hearing some music
No, it is only in my head
I'm sitting, I'm drowning and I'm drowning in tears
'Cause I'm so sad, 'cause I'm alone
The fear is choking me

Solitude is such a dreadful fear
It's seizing me , it's piercing me
You know, mother, I imagined
That there is no God, no God, no

Only my home is calm now
Where you are , but I'm not
Where I won't ever come back, I think
Mother, I love You so much, I love You

I thought that You had hurt me
But it was me that hurt You
It's too bad that I understood it so late
So late, I understood it so late

Solitude is such a dreadful fear
It's seizing me , it's piercing me
You know, mother, I imagined
That there is no God, no God, no

Solitude is such a dreadful fear
It's seizing me , it's piercing me
You know, mother, I imagined
That there is no God, no God, no

Paweł Domagała - List do M. tłumaczenie tekstu piosenki

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