Tekst piosenki: Forget Me Nots Patrice Rushen

Tekst piosenki Forget Me Nots

Sending you forget me nots
To help you to remember
Baby, please forget me not
I want you to remember
Sending you forget me nots
To help you to remember
Baby, please forget me not
I want you to remember

[Verse 1]
Those were the times we had
Sharing a joy that we thought would last
Memories of love and affection
Never really was just like a dream
Was it the simple things

That made me so crazy about you
Was it your charm or your passion
It's not hard to believe
I love you and I need you so I'm

Sending you forget me nots
To help you to remember
Baby, please forget me not
I want you to remember
Sending you forget me nots
To help you to remember
Baby, please forget me not
I want you to remember

[Verse 2]
Did we give up too soon?
Maybe we needed just a little room
Wondering how it all happened
Maybe we just need a little time
Though we did end as friends
Given the chance, we could love again
She'll always love you forever
It's not hard to believe
I want you and I need you so I'm

Sending you forget me nots
To help you to remember
Baby, please forget me not
I want you to remember
Sending you forget me nots (Forget me nots)
To help you to remember
Baby, please forget me not (Forget me not)
I want you to remember

[Instrumental Break]

Sending you forget me nots
Baby, please forget me not
Good times we had (Sending you forget me nots)
They weren't so bad
What a life we shared (Baby, please forget me not)
Pretty baby, I still care

Sending you forget me nots
To help you to remember
Baby, please forget me not
I want you to remember
Sending you forget me nots
To help you to remember (Help you to remember)

Patrice Rushen - Forget Me Nots Tekst piosenki

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Album: Straight From The Heart (1982)

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Forget Me Nots

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Forget Me Nots

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czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć

Kadr z teledysku Forget Me Nots tekst piosenki Patrice Rushen


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