Tekst piosenki: Life's For The Living Passenger feat. Foy Vance

Tekst piosenki Life's For The Living

[Verse 1]
Well, grey clouds wrapped 'round the town like elastic
Cars stood like toys made of Taiwanese plastic
The boy laughed at the spastic
Dancing around in the rain

While laundrettes cleaned clothes
High heels rubbed toes
Puddles splashed huddles of bus stop crows
Dressed in their suits and their boots
Well, they all looked the same

I took myself down to the cafe to find all
The boys lost in books and crackling vinyl
And carved out a poem

Above the urinal that read

Don't you cry for the lost
Smile for the living
Get what you need and
Give what you're given
Life's for the living, so live it
Or you're better off dead

[Verse 2]
While the evening pulled the moon out of it's packet
Stars shone like buttons on an old man's jacket
We needed a nail
But we tacked it 'til it fell off the wall

While pigeon's pecked trains
Sparks flew like planes
The rain showed the rainbows in the oil stains
And we all had new iPhones
But no one had no one to call

And I stumbled down
To the stomach of the town
Where the widow takes memories
To slowly drown
With a hand to the sky
And a mist in her eye, she said

Don't you cry for the lost
Smile for the living
Get what you need and
Give what you're given
Life's for the living, so live it
Or you're better off dead

[Verse 3]
Well, I'm sick of this town
This blind man's forage
They take your dreams down
And they stick 'em in storage
You can have 'em back, son
When you've paid off your mortgage and loans

Oh, hell with this place
I'll go it my own way
I'll stick out my thumb
And I trudge down the highway
Someday, someone
Must be going my way, home

'Til then I'll make my bed
From a disused car
With a mattress of leaves
And a blanket of stars
And I'll stitch the words into my heart
With a needle and thread

Don't you cry for the lost
Smile for the living
Get what you need and
Give what you're given
You know life's for the living, so live it
Or you're better off dead

Don't you cry for the lost
Smile for the living
Get what you need and
Give what you're given
Life's for the living, so live it
Or you're better off dead

Passenger & Foy Vance - Life's For The Living Tekst piosenki

Life's For The Living w wykonaniu Passenger - Life's For The Living feat. Foy Vance tekstowo Foy Vance & Passenger - Life's For The Living o czym jest piosenka Life's For The Living Passenger Life's For The Living słowa Passenger feat. Foy Vance - Life's For The Living Text Life’s For The Living (Feat Foy Vance - Anniversary Edition) tekst
Album: All the Little Lights (Limited Edition) (2012)

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Life's For The Living

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