Parade The Musical - Do It Alone tekstowo zapisana

Parade The Musical - Do It Alone

Tekst piosenki Do It Alone

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Do it alone, Leo—
Do it all by yourself
You're the only one who matters after all
Do it alone, Leo—
Why should it bother me?
I'm just good for standing in the shadows
And staring at the walls, Leo
Fight them, strong and proud—
Pray your voice is loud
Loud enough to make it through that door
What on earth have I been worried for?
Soon I won't be worried anymore

[LEO, spoken]

Lucille, how can you say that?

No! Do it alone, Leo—
Now there's the right idea:
Make me feel as useless as you always have
Do it alone, Leo—
What could a woman do?
After all, so many people love you
They're dancing in the streets, Leo!
Only you know how
To change the future now—
No one knows the pain you're going through—
No one else is suffering but you

I could be a quiet little girl
And cook your little meal
And swallow all I feel
And bow to your command
Or I could start to scream
Across the whole damned South
And never shut my mouth
Until they understand!

But I can't do it alone, Leo
Look at me now, Leo
I can be more...
I can bring you home, Leo
We can bring you home, Leo
I want you to come home

Parade The Musical - Do It Alone tekst piosenki

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