Palaye Royale - Self-Loathing Conversation
Tekst piosenki Self-Loathing Conversation
In another lonely conversationLooking to you for inspiration
I see your resistance, hiding in the distance
When I go pop to pop these presciptions
Never ever settling in the final location
Always on the moving, my little lady
Said they won't know me
Said they won't loathe me
When they just close my casket so slowly
And you, I'd only lose
I'd only lose you
And you, I'd only lose
I'd only lose you
Can anybody hear me?
So tired and I can't sleep
I try so hard but I'm in too deep
So cut me off of my noose
No I don't think what I choose
I try so hard but I always lose
I always lose
One more lavi's comtemplating
You can make money or make some babies
Living life easy, or with the family
Making ends meet and meet mediocrity
I see your sudden hesitation
A little leding on this confirmation
Must've been the ocean
Perfect to divorcing
Moving our kids to a corner appartment
And you, I'd only lose
I'd only lose you
And you, I'd only lose
I'd only lose you
Can anybody hear me?
So tired and I can't sleep
I try so hard but I'm in too deep
So cut me off of my noose
No I don't think what I choose
I try so hard but I always lose
I always lose
Lose, I'm lonely too
I'm lonely too
I know that you
I'm lonely too
I'm lonely too
I always lose
Palaye Royale - Self-Loathing Conversation tekst piosenki
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Self-Loathing Conversation
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