Palaye Royale - Oblivion
Tekst piosenki Oblivion
I drift in space
No oxygen
I suffocate again
Slow motion now
Can't feel the ground
So wish me well my friend
I disconnect reality
Like static on a TV screen
Feels just like a Fever Dream
When nothing's what it seems to be
I ask god to save me
But She won't take me, no
I'm in between
The sky & sea
I'm floating in Oblivion
I'm in between
Entrapped and free
I'm floating in Oblivion
I'm in the middle of
The best & worst of me
Hurts to breathe
Can't believe I'm so lost
All I want is someone to find me
Bring me back from Oblivion
Flashing lights
Like satellites
Won't help me find my way
Can't disappear
Just float in fear
Slow dance with tragedy
Feels like I'm invisible
Communication minimal
Go off like an atom bomb
So loud without sound at all
I ask god to save me
But She said maybe, no
I'm in between
The sky & sea
I'm floating in Oblivion
I'm in between
Entrapped and free
I'm floating in Oblivion
I'm in the middle of
The best & worst of me
Hurts to breathe
Can't believe I'm so lost
All I want is someone to find me
Bring me back from Oblivion
I'm in between
The sky & sea
I'm floating in Oblivion
I'm in between
Entrapped and free
I'm floating in Oblivion
I'm in the middle of
The best & worst of me
Hurts to breathe
Can't believe I'm so lost
I'm in between
The best & worst of me
Hurts to breathe
Can't believe I'm so lost
All I want is someone to find me
Bring me back from Oblivion
Back from Oblivion
Palaye Royale - Oblivion tekst piosenki
Palaye Royale - Oblivion tekstowo Oblivion Palaye Royale Oblivion słowaTeledysk do piosenki
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*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki Obliviontakie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
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