Tekst piosenki: Death or Glory Palaye Royale

Palaye Royale - Death or Glory

Tekst piosenki Death or Glory

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This world has turned into a nightmare
Every single word I sing
Just another bloody mistake, God sake
Didn't use to be this way

You got me running, yeah, sick to my stomach
You look for drama, so call your fucking mama
You don't want it, cause I'm fucking on it
Yeah, yeah

Sweat out the substances left on the floor
Clean out the chemicals, then take some more
This is a ritual, get what you need
Piss people off if you want to be free
It's death or glory

Cause I'm fucking horny

Take off my clothes, never stop the party
If you don't like it, then go on and cancel me
You got me talking with my head down
I can't say it to your face
Stop asking me my pro-nouns
Just call me by my name

You got me running, yeah, sick to my stomach
You look for drama, so call your fucking mama
You don't want it, cause I'm fucking honest
Yeah, yeah

Sweat out the substances left on the floor
Clean out the chemicals, then take some more
This is a ritual, get what you need
Piss people off if you want to be free
It's death or glory

Cause I'm fucking horny
Take off my clothes, never stop the party
If you don't like it, then go on and cancel me
Death or glory

Cause I'm fucking horny
Take off my clothes, never stop the party
If you don't like it, then go on and cancel me
It's death or glory

Cause I'm fucking horny
Take off my clothes, never stop the party
If you don't like it, then go on and cancel me

Palaye Royale - Death or Glory tekst piosenki

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Death or Glory

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