Tekst piosenki: Addicted to Wicked and Twisted Palaye Royale

Tekst piosenki Addicted to Wicked and Twisted

You got me looking for something
You got me looking for something
But I see red
But I see red
You got me hunting for nothing
You got me hanging for nothing
But I'm so dead
But I'm so dead, dead, dead

Feed me some lies
But I still see out my two eyes
Out my two eyes
Feed me some lies
Feed me some lies
Now I'm seeing red, I'm seeing red

I can't get enough and you know
I can't give you up, I'm too addicted to the wicked and twisted
So treat me like a dog and you know
Why don't I cut you off
I'm too addicted to the wicked and twisted
So shut your mouth
So shut your mouth
So shut your mouth

You keep giving me nothing
Those sweet little nothings are turning blue
Now I'm so blue oh oh oh
Pushing all of my buttons, eh
So happy I'm suffering, now I'm sick of you
So fucking sick of you

I can't get enough and you know
I can't give you up, I'm too addicted to the wicked and twisted
So treat me like a dog and you know
Why don't I cut you off
I'm too addicted to the wicked and twisted
So shut your mouth
So shut your mouth

So shut your mouth
I can't get enough and you know
I cannot give you up, I'm too addicted to the wicked and twisted
So treat me like a dog and you know
Why don't I cut you off
I'm too addicted to the wicked and twisted
So shut your mouth
So shut your mouth
So shut your mouth
Mouth, mouth, mouth, mouth

Palaye Royale - Addicted to Wicked and Twisted Tekst piosenki

Addicted to Wicked and Twisted w wykonaniu Palaye Royale - Addicted to Wicked and Twisted tekstowo Palaye Royale - Addicted to Wicked and Twisted o czym jest piosenka Palaye Royale - Addicted to Wicked and Twisted Tekst piosenki Addicted to Wicked and Twisted Palaye Royale Addicted to Wicked and Twisted słowa Palaye Royale - Addicted to Wicked and Twisted Text
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Addicted to Wicked and Twisted

Kadr z teledysku Addicted to Wicked and Twisted tekst piosenki Palaye Royale




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