Tekst piosenki: Other People's Stories Oso Oso

Oso Oso - Other People's Stories

Tekst piosenki Other People's Stories

Other people's stories got me feeling bored
Yea, other people's stories aren't like yours
Other people's stories got me feeling bored
Baby god ain't dead, maybe just ignored
Was there ever a choice i was given?
This is nothing more than a life i'm living
Other people's stories got me feeling me bored
Yea, other people's stories aren't like yours, oh no

I haven't slept in 7 nights straight
My life ain't a test there are no mistakes
Nothing is sacred as time that we waste
I am always one phone call away

Other people's stories got me feeling bored

Yea, other people's stories aren't like yours
Look at all the people, looking at their phones
With how much time left? life till bones

I like looking back at the shit that we do
Baby, i can't fall in love if it's not with you
No, i can't fall in love if it's not with you
No, i can't fall in love if it's not with you
Cause other people's stories got me feeling bored
Cause other people's stories aren't like yours
I go out for one, then i stay for four more
But other people's stories aren't like yours

Other people's stories aren't like yours
No, other people's aren't like yours
Other people's aren't like yours
No, other people's stories aren't like yours

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Other People's Stories

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Other People's Stories

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Kadr z teledysku Other People
Źródło: tekstowo.pl


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