Tekst piosenki: Josslyn Olivia O'Brien

Olivia O'Brien - Josslyn

Tekst piosenki Josslyn

I know we never said where we drew the line
But I was in your bed almost every night
I thought we made it clear how we felt, read the signs
But now there's nothing left 'cause you did nothing right

You had to go and ruin it
So you could get a quick fuck
I'm sure you had fun doing it
And I won't make a big fuss

But know we're off and we'll never be on again
I hope that it was worth it fucking Josslyn
Don't wanna fight, I just never wanna talk again
I hope that it was worth it fucking Josslyn

I know we weren't together, but we're more than friends
Said you couldn't see me while she gave you head
So please don't ever call again
I hope that it was worth it fucking Josslyn

Yeah, I hope that it was worth it

You didn't wanna be like the boys from before
But look at what you did 'cause you hurt me more
You didn't have to lie like the truth is a chore
I guess I can't be mad 'cause I was never yours

You had to go and ruin it
So you could get a quick fuck
I'm sure you had fun doing it
And I won't make a big fuss

But know we're off and we'll never be on again
I hope that it was worth it fucking Josslyn
Don't wanna fight, I just never wanna talk again
I hope that it was worth it fucking Josslyn

I know we weren't together but we're more than friends
Said you couldn't see me while she gave you head
So please don't ever call again
I hope that it was worth it fucking Josslyn

Yeah, I hope that it was worth it fucking Josslyn
Yeah, I hope that it was worth it

Can't believe I was so stupid
Just another girl you ruined
My friends said I shouldn't do it
Should've listened, guess I blew it
So have fun fucking Josslyn

But know we're off and we'll never be on again
I hope that it was worth it fucking Josslyn
Don't wanna fight, I just never wanna talk again
I hope that it was worth it fucking Josslyn

I know we weren't together but we're more than friends
Said you couldn't see me while she gave you head
So please don't ever call again
I hope that it was worth it fucking Josslyn

Yeah, I hope that it was worth it fucking Josslyn
Yeah, I hope that it was worth it

Olivia O'Brien - Josslyn tekst piosenki

Olivia O'Brien - Josslyn tekstowo Olivia O'Brien - Josslyn słowa

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*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki Josslyn
takie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć

Kadr z teledysku Josslyn tekst piosenki Olivia O
Źródło: tekstowo.pl


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