Tekst piosenki: Bitch Back Olivia O'Brien

Tekst piosenki Bitch Back

[Intro: Olivia O'Brien]
Bitch back, my bitch back, yeah
She back, she back
Bitch back, my bitch back, yeah

[Verse 1: Olivia O'Brien]
I know you're sad, but think of all the fun we're gonna have
And in a couple months we're gonna look at this and laugh
Like "Remember Ibiza, 'cause I don't either", but I know we had a fucking blast
So let's order a pizza, a side of tequila and you'll forget about him fast, no, no

[Chorus: Olivia O'Brien]
It's all good, I got my bitch back
Back on our bullshit, I know you missed that
'Cause he sucks and now we can admit that

I got my bitch back, my bitch back
You look good, now throw that shit back (Ooh, ooh)
'Cause there's a million other guys that wanna hit that (They wanna hit that)
But we'll ditch 'em late night to get a Big Mac (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
I got my bitch back, my bitch back (Uh)

[Verse 2: FLETCHER, Olivia O'Brien & FLETCHER]
Remember the time we double-dated twins (Yeah)
I was fucking her and you were fucking him
We beat them in "flip cup" then went to the strip club
We left them outside and they probably still miss us
Bitch, you my only plus one (Ah, ah) 'cause being single's way more fun

[Chorus: Olivia O'Brien, FLETCHER, Olivia O'Brien & FLETCHER]
It's all good (All good), I got my bitch back
Back on our bullshit, I know you missed that (Oh, no, no, no)
'Cause he sucks and now we can admit that
I got my bitch back, my bitch back (Yeah)
You look good, now throw that shit back
'Cause there's a million other guys that wanna hit that (Yeah)
But we'll ditch 'em late night to get a Big Mac
I got my bitch back

[Post-Chorus: Olivia O'Brien]
I got my bitch back, yeah, yeah
And she's so bad, yeah, yeah
I got my bitch back, yeah, yeah
Oh, no, na, na (Ah, ah, ah, ah)

[Bridge: Olivia O'Brien, Olivia O'Brien & FLETCHER]
Another day, another PJ
Paid for by another DJ
Make him think he'll get a threeway
But we don't even go to his show
Fuck no

[Chorus: Olivia O'Brien, Olivia O'Brien, Olivia O'Brien & FLETCHER, FLETCHER]
It's all good (It's all good), I got my bitch back (Bitch back)
Back on our bullshit, I know you missed that
'Cause he sucks and now we can admit that
I got my bitch back, my bitch back (You know I got my bitch back)
You look good, now throw that shit back (Throw it back, no)
'Cause there's a million other guys that wanna hit that (Oh, no, no, no)
But we'll ditch 'em late night to get a Big Mac
I got my bitch back

[Post-Chorus: Olivia O'Brien, FLETCHER]
I got my bitch back, yeah, yeah
She's so back, yeah, yeah (Oh, yeah, she's so, so back)
I got my bitch back, yeah, yeah (Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Oh, no, na, na, hm-mm (I got my bitch back)

[Outro: Olivia O'Brien]
I got my bitch back

Olivia O'Brien - Bitch Back Tekst piosenki

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Bitch Back

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*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki Bitch Back
takie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć

Kadr z teledysku Bitch Back tekst piosenki Olivia O
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