Ochman - The Wind
Tekst piosenki The Wind
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The Wind po polsku 🇵🇱 »
The wind blows by, by your face
The rain has dried without a trace
And I sit here thinking to myself
Can this be? Can this be?
And the words you want to say
The ones that made me want to stay
The wind blows by me
The sun rose upon your face
And the rain turned dry I can't retrace
And I wanna know how but I can't wait
Can we be? Can we be?
And the words you want to say
The ones that made me want to stay
The words you want to say
The ones that made me want to stay
The wind oh it blows by me
The river
Bittersweet pale eyes
As I quiver inside
Didn't even get to say goodbye
The wind blows by
The wind blows by my face
And the words you want to say
The ones that made me want to stay
The wind it blows by me
(Woah woah woah)
The wind blows by me
Ochman - The Wind tekst piosenki
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The Wind
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The Wind
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