Tekst piosenki: Enjoy Your Life Oby Onyioha

Tekst piosenki Enjoy Your Life

[Verse 1]
You just wanna (enjoy your life)
And no one else can stop you (live on your life)
It's your right to (enjoy your life)
So it’s gonna stay that way ('cause it's your life)
We all try to (enjoy our lives)
And you ain’t different, baby (live on your life)

[Verse 2]
You can change it (so enjoy your life)
As long as you can stand there (have a ball)
It's no sin, girl (to enjoy your life)
When no one else can hurt yeah (have your fun)
Interchange now (enjoy your life)
Before you find it's too late (to have a ball)

The humpty dumpty style, just can't stop you breaking
This freedom's like a rash, just can't stop the [?]
[?], only to see you down (not sure if that line's exactly right)
The humpty dumpty style, just can't stop you breaking
This freedom’s like a rash, just can’t stop you [?]
[?], only to see you down

[Verse 1]
You just wanna (enjoy your life)
And no one else can stop you (live on your life)
It's your right to (enjoy your life)
So it’s gonna stay that way ('cause it's your life)
We all try to (enjoy our lives)
And you ain't different, baby (live on your life)

[Verse 2]
You can change it (so enjoy your life)
As long as you can stand there (have a ball)
It’s no sin, girl (to enjoy your life)
When no one else can hurt yeah (have your fun)
Interchange now (enjoy your life)
Before you find it's too late (to have a ball)

The humpty dumpty style, just can't stop you breaking
This freedom's like a rash, just can't stop the [?]
[?], only to see you down (not sure if that line's exactly right)
The humpty dumpty style, just can't stop you breaking
This freedom's like a rash, just can't stop you [?]
[?], only to see you down

It's your right to do it - anytime (it's your right)
Don't say you're never gonna stop trying, 'cause it's your life
It's your right to do it - anytime (it's your right)
Don't say you're never gonna stop trying, 'cause it's your life

Go on, have a ball where you want it
It's your life, it's your life, baby it's your life
Have a ball where you want it
It's your life, it's your life, baby it's your life

The humpty dumpty style, just can't stop you breaking
This freedom's like a rash, just can't stop the [?]
[?], only to see you down (not sure if that line's exactly right)
The humpty dumpty style, just can't stop you breaking
This freedom's like a rash, just can't stop you [?]
[?], only to see you down

Let yourself go, before you find it's too late
Have a ball, have a ball, honey
Having fun now (fun now, fun now)
Have a ball, have a ball, honey
Having fun now (fun now, fun now)
Have a ball, have a ball, honey
Having fun now (fun now, fun now)
Have a ball

Oby Onyioha - Enjoy Your Life Tekst piosenki

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Album: I Want to Feel Your Love (1981)

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