Obscura - Evenfall
Tekst piosenki Evenfall
Hear me, ablaze the spirit from the Inside
And we shall embraced the light
Call me, and redeem our mortal souls alive
A forgotten, fractured soul, that will be never relieved vanished in day and night, as undying demise we dissolve into
The dawn and the void, godforsaken, our remains in pitch-black mass
We are cursed, we are abandoned now
We are enslaved in a field of bliss
We are lost in time, forlorn in dismal grief
We emerged in rebirth, revealed in distress, and forfeit
Hear me, enfold the splendour from the inside
And you shall reveal the night
Call me, an abyss, the eternal and divine
We are lost in time, forlorn in dismal grief
We farewell in distress, and forfeit
Forevermore, we transcend into night
We depart and we enfold, into cosmos and beyond light
Call me, an abyss, the eternal and divine
Obscura - Evenfall tekst piosenki
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Źródło: tekstowo.pl