Tekst piosenki: Around the World Niklas Dee feat. René Miller

Tekst piosenki Around the World

[Verse 1]
Don't wanna drown in troubled waters
I need a hand to hold
Don’t wanna wait here any longer
All that I need to know

How far would you go?
From Paris to Tokyo, from London to Rio, I just wanna know
How far would you go?
From Paris to Tokyo, from hundred to zero, I just wanna know

How far would you go?
From Paris to Tokyo, from London to Rio, I just wanna know
How far would you go?

From Paris to Tokyo, from hundred to zero, I just wanna know
Would you go around the world?
Around the world, around the world
Would you go around the world?
Around the world, around the world
Would you go around the world?
Around the world, around the world
How far would you go?
I just wanna know, would you go around the world?

[Verse 2]
You could be stranded in the desert
I'd find a way to you
Take all the pain and kiss it better
Nothing that I won't do

How far would you go?
From Paris to Tokyo, from London to Rio, I just wanna know
How far would you go?
From Paris to Tokyo, from hundred to zero, I just wanna know
Would you go around the world?

Around the world, around the world
Would you go around the world?
Around the world, around the world
Would you go around the world?
Around the world, around the world
How far would you go?
I just wanna know

How far would you go?
From Paris to Tokyo, from London to Rio, I just wanna know
How far would you go?
From Paris to Tokyo, from hundred to zero, I just wanna know
Would you go around the world?
Around thе world, around the world
Would you go around the world?
Around the world, around thе world
Would you go around the world?
Around the world, around the world
How far would you go, go, go, go? (I just wanna know)
How far would you go?

Niklas Dee and René Miller - Around the World Tekst piosenki

Around the World w wykonaniu Niklas Dee - Around the World tekstowo René Miller & Niklas Dee - Around the World o czym jest piosenka Around the World Niklas Dee Around the World słowa Niklas Dee feat. René Miller - Around the World Text Niklas Dee feat. René Miller - Around the World lyrics Niklas Dee - Around the World (feat. René Miller) Tekst

Teledysk do piosenki
Around the World

Kadr z teledysku Around the World tekst piosenki Niklas Dee feat. René Miller




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