Tekst piosenki: Joy Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Joy

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Tekst piosenki Joy

I woke up this morning with the blues all around my head
I woke up this morning with the blues all around my head
I felt like someone in my family was dead
I jumped up like a rabbit and fell down to my knees
I jumped up like a rabbit and fell down to my knees
I called out all around me, said, "Have mercy on me, please"
"Have mercy on me, please"
And over by the window, a voice came low and hollow
And over by the window, a voice came low and hollow
Spoke into my pain, into my yearning sorrow
Spoke into my pain
"Who is it," I cried, "What wild ghost has come in agitation?"
"Who is it," I cried, "What wild ghost has come in agitation?
"It's half past midnight! Why disturb me so late!"
And then I saw a movement around my narrow bed

And then I saw a movement around my narrow bed
A ghost in giant sneakers, laughing stars around his head
Who sat down on the narrow bed, this flaming boy
Who sat down on the narrow bed, this flaming boy
Said, "We've all had too much sorrow, now is the time for joy"

And all across the world they shout bad words, they shout angry words
And all across the world they shout out their angry words
About the end of love, yet the stars stand above the earth
Bright, triumphant metaphors of love
Bright, triumphant metaphors of love
Blind us all who care to stand and look beyond and care to stand and look beyond above
And I jumped up like a rabbit and fell down to my knees
And I jumped up like a rabbit and fell down to my knees
I called all around me, said, "Have mercy on me, please"
"Have mercy on me, please"
"Have mercy on me, please"
"Have mercy on me, please"
For joy, for joy, for joy
For joy, for joy, for joy
Jumping for joy
For joy, for joy, for joy
For joy, for joy, for joy
Oh, for joy
Oh, have mercy on me, please
Joy, joy, joy

The Bad Seeds & Nick Cave - Joy tekst piosenki

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