New Horizon - Stardust
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Tekst piosenki Stardust
We're born of stellar matter a part of time and space
Our spirits are forever wipe the tears off your face
Embedded information bring order to us all
And at the final station, what matters most is how you loved
We're indestructible we all fade in and out of time
In the crucible of life we're formed
Re-arranged - we're like dust into the wind
Never gone, measurable, forever carries on
Re-arranged - never fallen out of time
Our memory will always survive
From order into chaos ashes to ashes dust to dust
Arrive in Homo Deus, freeze the mighty river Styx
We're hanging in the balance, eternal life within our grasp?
A real transhumanism, to live beyond the realms of man
We're indestructible we all fade in and out of time
In the crucible of life we're formed
Re-arranged - we're like dust into the wind
Never gone, measurable, forever carries on
Re-arranged - never fallen out of time
Our memory will always survive
Awake, transcend, be anew, let your kingdom come
Embedded information bring order to us all
And at the final station, what matters most is how you loved
We're indestructible we all fade in and out of time
In the crucible of life we're formed
Re-arranged - we're like dust into the wind
Never gone, measurable, forever carries on
Re-arranged - never fallen out of time
Our memory will always survive
New Horizon - Stardust tekst piosenki
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