New Horizon - Event Horizon
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Tekst piosenki Event Horizon
Into the void, crossing the fields
Pulled by massive gravity
Starlight guiding the way
Through the celestial river
On our way to the unknown
Leaving the home world behind
Losing control, drift into darkness
What lies beyond The event horizon
Losing control, drift into darkness
What lies beyond The event horizon
Nothing escapes, forever we'll be
Prisoners in time
Falling into oblivion
Seeing my life flash before my eyes
On our way to the unknown
Leaving the home world behind
New Horizon - Event Horizon tekst piosenki
Event Horizon New Horizon - Event Horizon tekstowo Event Horizon o czym jest piosenka Event Horizon New Horizon - Event Horizon Tekst Event Horizon New Horizon Event Horizon słowaZnasz już tekst piosenki Event Horizon
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Event Horizon na polski 🇵🇱 »
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Event Horizon
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Event Horizon
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