Tekst piosenki: Cry for Freedom New Horizon

New Horizon - Cry for Freedom

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Tekst piosenki Cry for Freedom

Can you look into my eyes?
Maybe then you'd realize
There is no place left for me to hide

Take a ride into the night
See the lights they're flashing by
Standing in the ruins of our lives

We are born in different places
Scattered 'cross a million spaces
Unified our hearts will beat as one

Stand your ground, let the cry of freedom sound
Come alive - feel the universe inside
With the force of gamma rays, we are on the way

Stand your ground - cry for freedom

It's a battle old as time
Good and evil intertwine
The choice is up to each and everyone

To destroy or to create
To believe or to enslave
Break down the borders of your mind

We are born in different places
Scattered 'cross a million spaces
Unified our hearts will beat as one

Stand your ground, let the cry of freedom sound
Come alive - feel the universe inside
With the force of gamma rays, we are on the way
Stand your ground - cry for freedom

Did you think that I would let you run?
No more games get back in line where you belong
Did you feel the might of our rage?
No escape you're trapped inside forevermore

New Horizon - Cry for Freedom tekst piosenki

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Cry for Freedom

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Cry for Freedom

*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki Cry for Freedom
takie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć

Kadr z teledysku Cry for Freedom tekst piosenki New Horizon


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