Tekst piosenki: ​la di die Nessa Barrett

Tekst piosenki ​la di die

[Intro: jxdn]

[Verse 1: Nessa Barrett]
Does it rain in California?
Only dream I've ever known
Will they love you when you're famous?
It's where you'll never be alone
Hope someday I'll find nirvana
I'll be looking down below
I'll be dead at twenty-seven
Only nine more years to go
I got a bully in my head
Fake love, fake friends
I was broken when you left

Now you hear me everywhere you go

[Chorus: Nessa Barrett]
La-dah-dee, oh, la-dee-dah
Gonna be a supеrstar
Be the girl you used to know
Playing on thе radio
La-dah-dee, oh, la-dee-die
Loving me is suicide
I'm a dreamer, I'm on fire
La-dah-dee, run for your life

[Post-Chorus: Jaden Hossler]
Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
Yeah, yeah, I'm jxdn, I'm jxdn

[Verse 2: Jaden Hossler]
Said I'm gonna be a rockstar, yeah, yeah, yeah
Told her I don't want a war, yeah, yeah, yeah
I don't see me going far, yeah, yeah, yeah
That's what happens when I fall apart
All of me wants all of you
But I'm far away and I can't choose
Got a lot of lessons that I need to learn
Got a lot of lessons
My depression and misconceptions
And all the mistakes that lead to lessons
My depression, it makes me question
My depression, it makes me question

[Chorus: Nessa Barrett]
La-dah-dee, oh, la-dee-dah
Gonna be a superstar
Be the girl you used to know
Playing on the radio
La-dah-dee, oh, la-dee-die
Loving me is suicide
I'm a dreamer, I'm on fire
La-dah-dee, run for your life

[Bridge: Nessa Barrett]
Does it rain in California
Where the angels cry for me?
Want the drugs that taste like candy
And blood diamonds in my teeth

[Chorus: Nessa Barrett & Jaden Hossler]
La-dah-dee, oh, la-dee-dah
Gonna be a superstar
Be the girl you used to know
Playing on the radio
La-dah-dee, oh, la-dee-die
Loving me is suicide
I'm a dreamer, I'm on fire
La-dah-dee, run for your life (Oh)

[Outro: Nessa Barrett & Jaden Hossler]
Yeah, I'm gonna be a superstar

Nessa Barrett - ​la di die Tekst piosenki

Nessa Barrett - ​la di die tekstowo Nessa Barrett - ​la di die Text ​la di die Nessa Barrett ​la di die słowa

Teledysk do piosenki
​la di die

albo inne teksty piosenek o tytule podobnym do
​la di die

*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki ​la di die
takie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć

Kadr z teledysku ​la di die tekst piosenki Nessa Barrett


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