Tekst piosenki: Mother's Daughter x Boys Don't Cry Miley Cyrus feat. Anitta

Miley Cyrus - Mother's Daughter x Boys Don't Cry ft. Anitta

Tekst piosenki Mother's Daughter x Boys Don't Cry

Part I: "Mother's Daughter"

[Verse 1: Miley Cyrus]
Hallelujah, I'm a freak, I'm a freak, hallelujah
Every day of the week, I'ma do ya like I want to
I'm a Nile crocodile, a piranha

[Pre-Chorus: Miley Cyrus]
Oh my God, she got the power
Oh, look at her, she got the power
So, so, so

[Chorus: Miley Cyrus]
Don't fuck with my freedom
I came up to get me some

I'm nasty, I'm evil
Must be something in the water or that I'm my mother's daughter
Don't fuck with my freedom
I came up to get me some
I'm nasty, I'm evil
Must be something in the water or that I'm my mother's daughter

[Post-Chorus: Miley Cyrus]
So, back up, back up, back up, back up, boy, ooh
Back up, back up, back up, back up, boy, ooh

[Verse 2: Miley Cyrus]
Hallelujah, I'm a witch, I'm a witch, hallelujah
Swish swish, I'm a three-point shooter, I blow through ya
Like a hot wind out in the bayou, yah

[Pre-Chorus: Miley Cyrus]
Oh my God, she got the power
Well, look at her, she got the power

[Chorus: Miley Cyrus]
Don't fuck with my freedom
I came up to get me some
I'm nasty, I'm evil
Must be something in the water or that I'm my mother's daughter
Don't fuck with my freedom
I came up to get me some
I'm nasty, I'm evil
Must be something in the water or that I'm my mother's daughter

[Post-Chorus: Miley Cyrus]
So, back up, back up, back up, back up, boy, ooh
Back up, back up, back up, back up, boy, ooh
Back up, back up, back up, back up, boy, ooh
Back up, back up, back up, back up, boy, ooh

[Bridge: Miley Cyrus, Anitta]
My mama always told me that I'd make it
That I'd make it, so I made it
I put my back into and my heart in it
So I did it, yeah, I did it
Eae, Brasil?

Part II: "Boys Don't Cry with Anitta"

[Verse 1: Anitta]
Sometimes I call you when I can't sleep alone
Now you keep asking me what that means, oh no
In your feelings, I can feel it
You're in your feelings, you won't admit it but
That's why I push you away from me
'Cause I know, I know

[Pre-Chorus: Anitta]
It drives you crazy, try to tame me
But nobody's taking control all over me
Vambora, São Paulo

[Chorus: Anitta, Miley Cyrus]
Ooh, baby, baby, you be talkin' tough
But your boys can't get enough
When the girls don't need your love
Who says boys don't cry?
Ooh, baby, baby, you just outta touch
'Cause your boys can't get enough
When the girls don't need your love
Who says boys don't cry?

[Verse 2: Miley Cyrus]
Sometimes you call me when you're too drunk, oh god
Then you start telling me I'm the one, I'm not
In your feelings, I can feel it
You're in your feelings, you won't admit it but
I thought that we were just having fun
'Cause I know, I know

[Pre-Chorus: Miley Cyrus]
It drives you crazy, try to tame me
But nobody's taking control all over me

[Chorus: Miley Cyrus, Anitta]
Ooh, baby, baby, you be talkin' tough
But your boys can't get enough
When the girls don't need your love
Who says boys don't cry?
Ooh, baby, baby, you just outta touch
'Cause your boys can't get enough
When the girls don't need your love
Who says boys don't cry?

[Outro: Anitta]
Who says they don't cry?
Who says they don't cry?
Who says they don't cry?
Who says boys don't cry?

Anitta & Miley Cyrus - Mother's Daughter x Boys Don't Cry tekst piosenki

Miley Cyrus & Anitta - Mother's Daughter x Boys Don't Cry tekstowo Mother's Daughter x Boys Don't Cry Miley Cyrus Mother's Daughter x Boys Don't Cry słowa

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Mother's Daughter x Boys Don't Cry

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Mother's Daughter x Boys Don't Cry

*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki Mother's Daughter x Boys Don't Cry
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czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć

Kadr z teledysku Mother
Źródło: tekstowo.pl


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