Mickey Guyton - House On Fire
Tekst piosenki House On Fire
Will you build me up so, I don't come down
Will you take me higher
Where I can't feel the ground
If I get dramatic and panic
Can you look past it if I'm just a fraction of me
Would you give up then
Would you give up when
I hate you, you hate me
Back and forth, it's crazy
Love and war ain't easy after all
If I go and set this house on fire
If we go and strip these walls to the wires
Will you still love me
Will you still want what I want like you want when you want me
When there ain't no end to this fight
Are you gonna stay 'til we make things right
Will you still hold me
Will you still know what you know like you know when you know me
'Cause we go up, we go up, we go up, we go up
We go down, we come down, we come down
Will you still love me
Will you still want what I want like you want when you want me
I'm upset 'cause you're upset
Told you that it's all in my head
It's not what I meant
Every time we tear down the fence
We build it again
Now we're both tearing at the seams
I know how it seems
All we see is
I hate you, you hate me
Back and forth, it's crazy
Love and war ain't easy after all
If I go and set this house on fire
If we go and strip these walls to the wires
Will you still love me
Will you still want what I want like you want when you want me
When there ain't no end to this fight
Are you gonna stay 'til we make things right
Will you still hold me
Will you still know what you know like you know when you know me
'Cause we go up, we go up, we go up, we go up
We go down, we come down, we come down
Will you still love me
Will you still want what I want like you want when you want me
Will you still love me
Will you still know what you know when you know me
Want like you want when you want me
Will you still love me
Will you still want what I want like you want when you want me
When there ain't no end to this fight
You gonna stay 'til we make things right
Will you still hold me
Will you still know what you know like you know when you know me
Mickey Guyton - House On Fire tekst piosenki
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Mickey Guyton
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House On Fire
*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki House On Firetakie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
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