Tekst piosenki: Running Blind Michael Patrick Kelly

Michael Patrick Kelly - Running Blind

Tekst piosenki Running Blind

Far from over, world on your shoulders
And all you feel is pain
The battle's endless, you're almost breathless
But everything's at stake

And when there are no clear roads to find
And you're out there waiting for a sign
And when there is no one by your side
Trusting your heart to see the light

Wherever you are, have faith in the dark
When you're running blind, when you're running blind
Now you've come so far, against all the odds
Keep running blind, keep running blind

Keep running blind, blind (Keep running)
Oh, keep running blind, blind (Keep running, keep running)

You write your pages and plot the changes
But life has different plans
You might lose your nerve, you might hit some tight curves
But don't you fold your hand

And when there are no clear roads to find
And you're out there waiting for a sign
And when there is no one by your side
Trust in your heart to see the light

Wherever you are, have faith in the dark
When you're running blind, when you're running blind
Now you've come so far, against all the odds
Keep running blind, keep running blind

Keep running blind, blind (Keep running)
Oh, keep running blind, blind (Keep running)

And when there are no clear roads to find
And you're out there waiting for a sign
When there is no one by your side
Just know that I'll be there right behind

Wherever you are, have faith in the dark
When you're running blind, when you're running blind
Now you've come so far, against all the odds
Keep running blind, keep running blind

(Keep running blind, blind) Keep running
Keep running (Blind, blind)
Keep running blind, keep running blind

Michael Patrick Kelly - Running Blind tekst piosenki

Michael Patrick Kelly - Running Blind tekstowo Running Blind Michael Patrick Kelly Running Blind słowa

Teledysk do piosenki
Running Blind

albo inne teksty piosenek o tytule podobnym do
Running Blind

*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki Running Blind
takie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć

Kadr z teledysku Running Blind tekst piosenki Michael Patrick Kelly
Źródło: tekstowo.pl
piosenki Running Blind - Michael Patrick Kelly poznasz i zrozumiesz dzięki tłumaczeniu Running Blind a jak zobaczysz teledysk Running Blind słowa innych śpiewanych utworów Michael Patrick Kelly teksty przeczytać albo i wydrukować zapragniesz i fajnie.Znajdziesz odpowiedzi na pytania: Kiedy premiera piosenki Running Blind - Michael Patrick Kelly? Z jakiego albumu pochodzi piosenka Running Blind? Kto wyprodukował Running Blind? Kto napisał tekst piosenki Running Blind Michael Patrick Kelly? ale na pytanie Kiedy niedziela handlowa w październiku to już raczej nie, za to teksty piosenek o październiku już jak najbardziej dla przykładu Czternastego października anyone, hmm?