Tekst piosenki: Neva Play Megan Thee Stallion feat. RM of BTS

Tekst piosenki Neva Play

[Chorus: Megan Thee Stallion]
One, two, three, four (One, two, three, four)
Five, six, seven, eight (Five, six, seven, eight)
Let them know we on the way (Ah), countin' zeroes every day (Yah)
You know that we never play, ayy (Ayy)
One, two, three, four (One, two, three, four)
Five, six, seven, eight (Five, six, seven, eight)
Let them know we on the way (Yeah), countin' zeroes every day (Ah)
You know that we never play, ayy (Ayy)

[Verse 1: Megan Thee Stallion]
Talkin' 'bout never been one to play with
Money talk and it's my first language
Me and RM gang and we gangin'
Boss level and you ain't even in the rankin' (Ah)
They wanna smell what the hottie be cookin'

They on rock when they see me at a bookin'
Just know when it's time for me to get my lick back, all y'all finna be finished
Ayy, blue hair like [?] with the chi-chis
Blue one, blue hundred, big VVs
'Round the world, let everybody come see me
No tax, but my passport eeky (Ayy)
I'm the big fish jumpin' out the TX
So dope, tryna make me take a pee test
Check the credits, you know who runnin'
When the flow this hard, this heavy, Kotex
Mmm, I can't help that I'm that girl
They be talkin', I don't care
Beefin' with yourself because you do not exist in my world
Three things I don't play about, myself, my money or my man
Mention one of them and best believe I'm gon' be at your head

[Chorus: Megan Thee Stallion & RM]
One, two, three, four (One, two, three, four)
Five, six, seven, eight (Five, six, seven, eight)
Let them know we on the way (Ah), countin' zeroes every day (Yah)
You know that we never play, ayy (Ayy)
One, two, three, four (One, two, three, four)
Five, six, seven, eight (Five, six, seven, eight)
Let them know we on the way (Yeah), countin' zeroes every day (Ah, what's up, Stallion?)
You know that we never play, ayy (Ayy)

[Verse 2: RM]
You know that we never play
Yeah, we gon' forever slay (Yeah)
Me and Megan on the way
For Asian men, we paved the way
Smooth like criminal, off the digital
Y'all damn look so pitiful (So pity)
Fuck a deposit, twenty-foot faucet
Mm, send the sides with mine, yeah
From the sides of PSY, yeah
Hittin' folks with a line, yeah
How many soldiers hate? Damn
The law hair whip
And y'all's a fairytale (Oh God)
In the end she's real fair [?] nightmares
Shit is a toxic, catch me in a moshpit
You and your people be fussin' (Fuss)
Yeah, we just bossin', pull out the sauces
In the face of the big bosses
Call me a narcissist, like a typhoon, be a artist and the artist (Right)
Take it out your wallet
Sabotage your two ears I swear if you pause it

[Chorus: Megan Thee Stallion, RM, Both]
One, two, three, four (One, two, three, four)
Five, six, seven, eight (Five, six, seven, eight)
Let them know we on the way (Ah), countin' zeroes every day (Yah; mhm)
You know that we never play, ayy (Ayy)
One, two, three, four (One, two, three, four)
Five, six, seven, eight (Five, six, seven, eight)
Let them know we on the way (Yeah), countin' zeroes every day (Ah)
You know that we never play, ayy (Ayy)

Megan Thee Stallion and RM of BTS - Neva Play Tekst piosenki

Neva Play w wykonaniu Megan Thee Stallion - Neva Play tekstowo RM of BTS & Megan Thee Stallion - Neva Play o czym jest piosenka Neva Play Megan Thee Stallion Neva Play słowa Megan Thee Stallion feat. RM of BTS - Neva Play Text
Megan Thee Stallion feat. RM of BTS Neva Play Letra de Neva Play com Megan Thee Stallion feat. RM of BTS Megan Thee Stallion feat. RM of BTS - Neva Play lyrics Megan Thee Stallion - Neva Play (feat. RM of BTS) Tekst

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Neva Play

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Kadr z teledysku Neva Play tekst piosenki Megan Thee Stallion feat. RM of BTS


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