Tekst piosenki Autumn Comes
Autumn comes – autumn leaves
Reminiscing you and me being thick as thieves
Autumn comes – for a time – but autumn sways
So I doubt this devoutness will guide me through the haze
Autumn comes – autumn lights
All the places where we used to spend those sleepless summer nights
Autumn comes – autumn heals
Autumn comes like it´s supposed to be
So let it rain down cold on my shoulder
Let the rain wash the sins off my heart
Let it rain – fall down on my shoulder
Let the rain fill the half empty glass
Let it rain down cold on my shoulder
Let the rain wash the sins off my heart
So let it rain – fall down on my shoulder
Autumn comes – but autumn leaves
One last friendly smile seems enough goodbye to me
Autumn comes – fare thee well – I´m gonna leave
I´ll see you in a little while, so put the blame on me
So let it rain down cold on my shoulder
Let the rain wash the sins off my heart
Let it rain – fall down on my shoulder
Let the rain fill the half empty glass
(Put your blame on me)
Let it rain down cold on my shoulder
Let the rain wash the sins off my heart
So let it rain – fall down on my shoulder
Let it rain down, let it rain down, please let it rain down
For me
Mary Lou mit David Gramberg - Autumn Comes Tekst piosenki
Autumn Comes von Mary Lou feat. David Gramberg - Autumn Comes tekstowo David Gramberg & Mary Lou - Autumn Comes o czym jest piosenka Autumn Comes Mary Lou & David Gramberg Autumn Comes słowa Mary Lou & David Gramberg - Autumn Comes TextMary Lou & David Gramberg Autumn Comes Letra de Autumn Comes com Mary Lou & David Gramberg zu David Gramberg & Mary Lou - Autumn Comes tekst
Album: Autumn Comes (2018)
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Autumn Comes
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