Marta Burdynowicz - Mam tę moc tłumaczenie tekstu

Mam tę moc po polsku

« Przejdź do oryginalnej wersji tekstu piosenki Mam tę moc

White snow glows on the slopes of the mountains tonight
and untouched continues
The kingdom of lonely soul
and queen is me
A grim wind plays in heart on the strings of storm
Although I resist, It's good for nothing

Don't let them know!
Don't tell the truth!
No feelings,
from now live this way!
No words!
No dreams!
Don't give up!
But everyone already knows!

Let it go!
Let it go!
I'm going to kindle what glows.
Let it go!
Let it go!
I'll turn away and slam the door!

Against everything,
I can do it!
What the storm rages on?
For years something has been pulling me to the cold.

From a distance what is big
loses greatness in no time
Former fear which was squeezing throat
Already disappeared forever

I'm going to see what I can do
to climb to the top, change my fate
And go out from behing bars, like free bird.
Oh yeah!

Let it go!
Let it go!
Wind is my, I'll tame the snow.
Let it go!
Let it go!
And instead tears is smile!

Finally I
leave a mark!
What the storm rages on?

Power of my authority falls down of ice on the world.
And my soul in ice floes to top carries wind.
And think air cuts like crystal sword
I'll never back to past!
I'll never look to past!

Let it go!
Let it go!
With new aurora I'll wake up.
Let it go!
Let it go!
Former myself doesn't exist!

It's me!
I'll stay in sun of the day!
What the storm rages on?
For years something has been pulling me to the cold.

Marta Burdynowicz - Mam tę moc tłumaczenie tekstu piosenki

Marta Burdynowicz - Mam tę moc tekst po polsku Marta Burdynowicz - Mam tę moc polskie słowa Mam tę moc Marta Burdynowicz Mam tę moc co znaczy

Zasz już tłumaczenie tekstu piosenki Mam tę moc, którą wykonuje Marta Burdynowicz
« Przejdź do oryginalnej wersji Mam tę moc tekstu piosenki Marta Burdynowicz

Teledysk do piosenki
Mam tę moc

Kadr z teledysku Mam tę moc tekst piosenki Marta Burdynowicz
Źródło: tekstowo.pl