Tekst piosenki: Rebel of the North Marko Hietala

Tekst piosenki Rebel of the North

I am a human male
An ape with an ego
Let me see that mirror
Don’t spare the shame

I am a fortress founded with the strength of lies
Wake me up my children
You know the rebel never dies

White walker black heart
Built anew from the start
Red hand martian art
Character of unwritten part

Got shrapnel of the real world straight between the eyes
Be not afraid my children

You know the rebel never dies

I need a challenger to bring me down and fight me
If I claim authority, that’s where I go wrong
But if you get high ideas then you can try and bite me
Claim that authority and we won’t get along
Get out of my song!

I’m from the north
You’re from the south
So what?
Who we are comes out of one’s mouth

With bullets of information future will rise
Word for blade my children
You know the rebel never dies

Renegades of mind grenades don’t need a disguise
Be not afraid my children
You know the rebel never dies

Rebel never dies

Marko Hietala - Rebel of the North Tekst piosenki

Rebel of the North w wykonaniu Marko Hietala - Rebel of the North tekstowo Rebel of the North Marko Hietala Rebel of the North słowa Marko Hietala - Rebel of the North Text Marko Hietala - Rebel of the North Lyrics

Teledysk do piosenki
Rebel of the North

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Rebel of the North

*a mogą to być covery czy inne fajne wersje piosenki Rebel of the North
takie jak instumentale, wydłużone, speed upy
czy remixy, których jeszcze nie znasz, więc warto zerknąć

Kadr z teledysku Rebel of the North tekst piosenki Marko Hietala



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